Friday, September 27, 2013


Since the American Revolutionary War that took place from September 1, 1774 to September 3, 1783 till this day, America has been involved in numerous wars both within and on foreign lands.
When wars are fought, the end products are always destruction and devastation. Lives are lost, economies are crumbled, cities are destroyed and those that come out of it alive, live with the memories etched in their hearts forever.
Can wars be averted? Definitely. Through sincere dialogue between parties involved.
One of the most recent wars that comes to mind is the Iraq war that started on the 20th of march 2003. That reason for the war was predicated on the premise of software intelligence informations about weapon of mass destruction. Lives were lost on both sides. At the end of it all, no such weapons were found. Eventually, the war was said to be a war for oil. There has been several other conspiracy theories. The war could have been avoided with some dialogues within and without.
Along came Iran. The story, nuclear program. With it, another cry of war. The protagonists of war will see everything wrong with Obama's resent gesture of reaching out an olive branch by dialoguing with the new president of Iran. They would even see it as a sign of weakness; a view I strongly differ from. That is why I completely find it quite intriguing to read this article, as reported by Jay Solomon 
and Carol E. Lee of the New York Times titled, "Historic Call For Obama, 
Rouhani." There has been deep mistrust between both countries for decades, with Israel in the middle. This gesture, if well harnessed, would bring about the long sought after peace in the Middle East, and the United States stands to gain immensely through such peace. The reason why all well meaning Americans should read this article. I also hope those spoiling for war would read the article, peruse over it and see the need for dialogue.

Friday, September 20, 2013


One of the corner pillars of the Christian religion is being charitable. Charity is gotten from the latin word "caritas" according to Wikipedia. Meaning an unlimited loving-kindness to all others. It is apt to note that virtually every other religion also preaches charitableness.
Majority of Americans would lay hold to the claim that Christianity is the sole acceptable religion of the United States. It is mind burgling how the same majority will get suspicious of every charitable act the government plans to put in place. And how politicians would prey on the gullibility of the uninformed masses who, as gluttons, would gormandize every false argument proffered by such politicians in the social and print media.
One of such government acts is the Obamacare. Now, every policy has its up side and down side, depending on the side of the isle you are on. Nobody wants government to implement any policy that will cripple the economy. It is disheartening when somebody that is supposedly informed like Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck runs ammork with her airtime with a  caption like "It Sounds More Like Obamascare To Me Than Obamacare". As reported by MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA. It is a very short clip, you want to see how skewed and lopsided an argument can get?, how a subject with such import and great ramification can be so trivialized?, I suggest you watch the clip. And see if you share her pessimism.