Friday, September 20, 2013


One of the corner pillars of the Christian religion is being charitable. Charity is gotten from the latin word "caritas" according to Wikipedia. Meaning an unlimited loving-kindness to all others. It is apt to note that virtually every other religion also preaches charitableness.
Majority of Americans would lay hold to the claim that Christianity is the sole acceptable religion of the United States. It is mind burgling how the same majority will get suspicious of every charitable act the government plans to put in place. And how politicians would prey on the gullibility of the uninformed masses who, as gluttons, would gormandize every false argument proffered by such politicians in the social and print media.
One of such government acts is the Obamacare. Now, every policy has its up side and down side, depending on the side of the isle you are on. Nobody wants government to implement any policy that will cripple the economy. It is disheartening when somebody that is supposedly informed like Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck runs ammork with her airtime with a  caption like "It Sounds More Like Obamascare To Me Than Obamacare". As reported by MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA. It is a very short clip, you want to see how skewed and lopsided an argument can get?, how a subject with such import and great ramification can be so trivialized?, I suggest you watch the clip. And see if you share her pessimism.

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