Friday, November 15, 2013


I find the blog of Andrew and his passionate defense of Ted Cruz quite amusing. I definitely share his sentiment about name callings. It serves no purpose and gets nothing done.
But his actions leading to the economic shut down and the days that trailed it was anything but admirable. It was purely political. It was all about himself and the money bags he represents.
Politicians want to gain national recognition. They don't care how they get recognized, either through notoriety or through penchant for serving the public. We have had instances where law makers have come on national TV to call the president of the United States names to gain popularity.
I consider such law makers as men of easy means who seek political prominence by casting aspersions at and deriding the president.
They just don't get it. The presidency is a symbol of a people. And whatever they say about the president reflects on the people.
It is because of legislators like him we are in this economic quagmire we are in today.
The affordable care act was passed into law over three years ago. It is supposed to be a milestone achievement of the Obama administration. It is a program supposedly designed by the federal government to make healthcare easily accessible and affordable to millions of Americans. One would think that such a populous program would be appreciated by anybody given the fact that millions of Americans are without healthcare.
The past few years in political history has come to put the Republican Party as an obstructionist party. And not to be uncompromising, the Democratic Party conceding to the republicans clamor for an extension would not seem a bad idea at a long shot.
It is true that everybody has the right to make a choice and the Obama administration has not been very forthcoming with addressing the problems facing the initial rollout of the affordable care acts program, people should be a little bit patient. Nobody would expect that a program with such magnitude would start up without glitches, whether technologically or in implementation. Moreover, everybody is aware of the avowed stance of the republicans to make the Obama administration unsuccessful. Who knows who are behind the trailing problems of the affordable care act...I think we should be patient and give the program a chance at success instead of demonizing and killing it even before it's birth.

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