Wednesday, November 27, 2013


A perspective of the world of America as a tyrant and a bully should be a thing of concern to every well meaning American. Gone are the days when the military might of a nation plays a big roll in the nations positioning in world affairs. All that matters now is diplomacy. In this age of globalization, every nation is dependent upon each other. Because of globalization, every country's affair is of interest to every other country. This web of globalization has created such affinity between nations such that whatever happens in one nation directly or indirectly affects the other. Events of recent history attests to that; remember the crisis in Egypt?, what about the economic meltdown here in the United States, they all have ripple effects that are felt worldwide. All nations can't agree on every policy of every other nation and nations would always form allies with other nations that they perceive as being receptive to their policies. That is why issues of international interest should be handled with a diplomacy of the utmost respect.
Iran's incessant quest for nuclear weapons is being viewed by the world with suspicions, and rightly so. The antecedent of some groups from that region may seem a plausible justification for such suspicions, but, as a nation, they have the rights and powers to decide what policies to pursue and implement in protecting and providing for their people. If such policy becomes a threat to the world peace, the best way to go is diplomacy. Diplomacy is not a sign of weakness as some are prone to adduce to. Instead, it should be seen as it is; a mighty weapon of reasoning. No nation in the world doubts the military prowess of America. When you indulge others in diplomacy, a sense of mutual respect is created. America would be more respected in her lead role in championing world diplomacy. As such the American government should doggedly pursue diplomatic means in dealing with world affairs. And the world would be more peaceful for it.

1 comment:

  1. I chose to criticize The Bemused Citizen blog on using diplomacy as a weapon of peace. First of all, I completely agree with making peace rather than bombarding countries with our military force. It is not the right way to handle every situations. But my problem with this article is that not every situation can be handled with negotiations. The article fails to show proof that the diplomacy will solve everything. Their has been some situations in other countries that America had to use military force such as Holocaust. We weren't going to wait till more thousands of people are dead. The military force is what created America to be one of the strongest and reliable country today. The other countries are out to get us and wants to see us suffer. The military force is the way to go in some situations to protect the Americans that relies on the government to protect us and make choices on what's best for our nation.
