Friday, November 1, 2013


The US government, an epitome of governance, a panache of legality, a bastion of intelligence, a citadel of hope for world economy, admired by other leaders all over the world, is now an object of mockery and disdain, an institution of puppeteering in the eyes of the world; sadly enough. All thanks to self centered men and women who rose to power on the wings of the hopes of the people, who, once in power, forget the singular and most important function they have been elected for; protection of the interest of the people they are representing. They get to Washington, D.C. and get consumed by greed and self aggrandizement. Their judgements get skewed by party interests. Topics of the greatest import becomes "Black and White" with no grey area in between. Law makers now pander to the behests of money bags aka "lobbyists" whose sole interest is to loot the treasury of the country.
Don't get me wrong, America still has men of integrity and good intentions in power. It only takes the will to shun the avarice they are daily inundated with in the seat of power. If only they would listen carefully to the voices of their constituents. If only they would empathize with the common man on the street. Law makers would seat on sessions upon sessions without passing a resolution for years. They can't see eye to eye on any issue, constantly jostling to put their parties at an advantage for the next election. It is a vicious cycle. It is alarming. It is the common man that bears the brunt of their inept leadership. Where has patriotism gone to?
Imagine shutting down a government over a triviality championed by a self serving individual. It was a travesty of governance. Government shouldn't be about a party but about service to the people and championing of the interest of the people. If only they would listen!
A government that once pursued and enjoyed a robust bipartisanship in history is now extremely polarized and highly dysfunctional, to the detriment of the governed. Both parties are culprits; it takes two to tangle.
America can become great again. America will be great again. It only takes leaders to put their party allegiance aside and take issues that affect the populace seriously. By so doing, America would, in no time, be back on the pedestal of world affairs. Where she rightfully belongs.

God bless us all. God bless the United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. The Bemused Citizen wrote a beautiful piece on the decline of our government and the failure of those that brought us here. I completely agree that the people who we have in office have become blinded by their greed for power and money and this has brought our government to a state of “mockery and disdain”. The political parties controlling our government no longer have the views of the people in mind, but instead they busy themselves with winning petty arguments and gaining money and publicity for the nest term’s campaign.
    Though this piece of beautifully written and I agree with the main premise, I do disagree with the ending statement saying that “America will be great again.” Call me a pessimist but I believe that each person entering our government can’t help but to become sidetracked and lead astray by their personal wants and the pressure of their peers within the same party. I think America has a long way to go before we are anywhere close to being the nation that is “…a bastion of intelligence, a citadel of hop for world economy…”
