Wednesday, November 27, 2013


A perspective of the world of America as a tyrant and a bully should be a thing of concern to every well meaning American. Gone are the days when the military might of a nation plays a big roll in the nations positioning in world affairs. All that matters now is diplomacy. In this age of globalization, every nation is dependent upon each other. Because of globalization, every country's affair is of interest to every other country. This web of globalization has created such affinity between nations such that whatever happens in one nation directly or indirectly affects the other. Events of recent history attests to that; remember the crisis in Egypt?, what about the economic meltdown here in the United States, they all have ripple effects that are felt worldwide. All nations can't agree on every policy of every other nation and nations would always form allies with other nations that they perceive as being receptive to their policies. That is why issues of international interest should be handled with a diplomacy of the utmost respect.
Iran's incessant quest for nuclear weapons is being viewed by the world with suspicions, and rightly so. The antecedent of some groups from that region may seem a plausible justification for such suspicions, but, as a nation, they have the rights and powers to decide what policies to pursue and implement in protecting and providing for their people. If such policy becomes a threat to the world peace, the best way to go is diplomacy. Diplomacy is not a sign of weakness as some are prone to adduce to. Instead, it should be seen as it is; a mighty weapon of reasoning. No nation in the world doubts the military prowess of America. When you indulge others in diplomacy, a sense of mutual respect is created. America would be more respected in her lead role in championing world diplomacy. As such the American government should doggedly pursue diplomatic means in dealing with world affairs. And the world would be more peaceful for it.

Friday, November 15, 2013


I find the blog of Andrew and his passionate defense of Ted Cruz quite amusing. I definitely share his sentiment about name callings. It serves no purpose and gets nothing done.
But his actions leading to the economic shut down and the days that trailed it was anything but admirable. It was purely political. It was all about himself and the money bags he represents.
Politicians want to gain national recognition. They don't care how they get recognized, either through notoriety or through penchant for serving the public. We have had instances where law makers have come on national TV to call the president of the United States names to gain popularity.
I consider such law makers as men of easy means who seek political prominence by casting aspersions at and deriding the president.
They just don't get it. The presidency is a symbol of a people. And whatever they say about the president reflects on the people.
It is because of legislators like him we are in this economic quagmire we are in today.
The affordable care act was passed into law over three years ago. It is supposed to be a milestone achievement of the Obama administration. It is a program supposedly designed by the federal government to make healthcare easily accessible and affordable to millions of Americans. One would think that such a populous program would be appreciated by anybody given the fact that millions of Americans are without healthcare.
The past few years in political history has come to put the Republican Party as an obstructionist party. And not to be uncompromising, the Democratic Party conceding to the republicans clamor for an extension would not seem a bad idea at a long shot.
It is true that everybody has the right to make a choice and the Obama administration has not been very forthcoming with addressing the problems facing the initial rollout of the affordable care acts program, people should be a little bit patient. Nobody would expect that a program with such magnitude would start up without glitches, whether technologically or in implementation. Moreover, everybody is aware of the avowed stance of the republicans to make the Obama administration unsuccessful. Who knows who are behind the trailing problems of the affordable care act...I think we should be patient and give the program a chance at success instead of demonizing and killing it even before it's birth.

Friday, November 1, 2013


The US government, an epitome of governance, a panache of legality, a bastion of intelligence, a citadel of hope for world economy, admired by other leaders all over the world, is now an object of mockery and disdain, an institution of puppeteering in the eyes of the world; sadly enough. All thanks to self centered men and women who rose to power on the wings of the hopes of the people, who, once in power, forget the singular and most important function they have been elected for; protection of the interest of the people they are representing. They get to Washington, D.C. and get consumed by greed and self aggrandizement. Their judgements get skewed by party interests. Topics of the greatest import becomes "Black and White" with no grey area in between. Law makers now pander to the behests of money bags aka "lobbyists" whose sole interest is to loot the treasury of the country.
Don't get me wrong, America still has men of integrity and good intentions in power. It only takes the will to shun the avarice they are daily inundated with in the seat of power. If only they would listen carefully to the voices of their constituents. If only they would empathize with the common man on the street. Law makers would seat on sessions upon sessions without passing a resolution for years. They can't see eye to eye on any issue, constantly jostling to put their parties at an advantage for the next election. It is a vicious cycle. It is alarming. It is the common man that bears the brunt of their inept leadership. Where has patriotism gone to?
Imagine shutting down a government over a triviality championed by a self serving individual. It was a travesty of governance. Government shouldn't be about a party but about service to the people and championing of the interest of the people. If only they would listen!
A government that once pursued and enjoyed a robust bipartisanship in history is now extremely polarized and highly dysfunctional, to the detriment of the governed. Both parties are culprits; it takes two to tangle.
America can become great again. America will be great again. It only takes leaders to put their party allegiance aside and take issues that affect the populace seriously. By so doing, America would, in no time, be back on the pedestal of world affairs. Where she rightfully belongs.

God bless us all. God bless the United States of America.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Democracy in America is one of the most acclaimed in the world. Democracy involves elected representatives carrying out the wishes of the people, by establishing laws that uphold such wishes. History has shown that for a democracy to be equitable, there has to be checks and balances. The reason why the founding fathers, in their wisdom deemed it necessary to divide government into three tiers, the administration, the legislature, and the judiciary. In a country like America, where the relationships between these governmental arms are established the overall quality of governance is much better.
Sadly enough, Charles Neily of Fox News in his opinion page of October 10 titled, "Wanted -- less judicial activism, more judicial engagement," sees things differently by suggesting that America has an “activist” judiciary that constantly involves itself in policy disputes best left to the other branches?
A system that has its members so politically polarized such as is tenable in Washington, D.C. as in recent history, where nothing seems to work and no laws are being passed, needs somebody somewhere to act in the interest of the people. Why not the judiciary?
Andrew Jackson, as president, in 1816 vetoed a bill congress approved to extend for another twenty-year, a chatter for the Second Bank of the United States. He insisted that the proper role for government was to offer "equal protection to all citizens." To defend them against entrenched economic interest.
Healthcare is one of the most lucrative businesses in America today. Little wonder the powers that control this sector of the economy would stop at nothing to keep it within their powers. It is an avenue through which they milk the masses dry. These Bourgeoisie which Clark Neily obviously pundits for see everything wrong with the affordable healthcare being implemented by the federal government. And would use anything within their powers to archive their goals, including shutting down the government as just witnessed; sadly enough.
Clark Neily in his argument that America is not a democracy, wrongly justifies it by quoting Justice Ginsburg when she says in an interview that, “if it’s measured in terms of readiness to overturn legislation, this is one of the most activist courts in history.” Of course it is. It has to be. That is the only way the courts can protect the populace from policy makers who are in the pockets of "special interests" that are bent on having things their way or no other way.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Since the American Revolutionary War that took place from September 1, 1774 to September 3, 1783 till this day, America has been involved in numerous wars both within and on foreign lands.
When wars are fought, the end products are always destruction and devastation. Lives are lost, economies are crumbled, cities are destroyed and those that come out of it alive, live with the memories etched in their hearts forever.
Can wars be averted? Definitely. Through sincere dialogue between parties involved.
One of the most recent wars that comes to mind is the Iraq war that started on the 20th of march 2003. That reason for the war was predicated on the premise of software intelligence informations about weapon of mass destruction. Lives were lost on both sides. At the end of it all, no such weapons were found. Eventually, the war was said to be a war for oil. There has been several other conspiracy theories. The war could have been avoided with some dialogues within and without.
Along came Iran. The story, nuclear program. With it, another cry of war. The protagonists of war will see everything wrong with Obama's resent gesture of reaching out an olive branch by dialoguing with the new president of Iran. They would even see it as a sign of weakness; a view I strongly differ from. That is why I completely find it quite intriguing to read this article, as reported by Jay Solomon 
and Carol E. Lee of the New York Times titled, "Historic Call For Obama, 
Rouhani." There has been deep mistrust between both countries for decades, with Israel in the middle. This gesture, if well harnessed, would bring about the long sought after peace in the Middle East, and the United States stands to gain immensely through such peace. The reason why all well meaning Americans should read this article. I also hope those spoiling for war would read the article, peruse over it and see the need for dialogue.

Friday, September 20, 2013


One of the corner pillars of the Christian religion is being charitable. Charity is gotten from the latin word "caritas" according to Wikipedia. Meaning an unlimited loving-kindness to all others. It is apt to note that virtually every other religion also preaches charitableness.
Majority of Americans would lay hold to the claim that Christianity is the sole acceptable religion of the United States. It is mind burgling how the same majority will get suspicious of every charitable act the government plans to put in place. And how politicians would prey on the gullibility of the uninformed masses who, as gluttons, would gormandize every false argument proffered by such politicians in the social and print media.
One of such government acts is the Obamacare. Now, every policy has its up side and down side, depending on the side of the isle you are on. Nobody wants government to implement any policy that will cripple the economy. It is disheartening when somebody that is supposedly informed like Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck runs ammork with her airtime with a  caption like "It Sounds More Like Obamascare To Me Than Obamacare". As reported by MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA. It is a very short clip, you want to see how skewed and lopsided an argument can get?, how a subject with such import and great ramification can be so trivialized?, I suggest you watch the clip. And see if you share her pessimism.